- Picture Book Author -

about me
I grew up in a tiny village with a real maze and I had a pet duck called Pickle who lived on a sandcastle and would meet me every day from school.

I once rescued a penguin and brought it home in the saddle bag of my bike.
Only, it wasn't a penguin...
and I couldn't keep it.
I was always reading and always writing...

...as my school report shows!

When I am not writing, I like to climb up things (but I don't like to climb down!) and I love baking cookies.
I have taught greyhounds how to win races, swam with wobbegong sharks and been attacked by a cobra!
I've saved more than one person from drowning, (once in the sea) and helped lots of people learn to walk again.

I live in Nottingham in the UK with my husband, two children, an eccentric gecko and a crazy dog. They are all more grown up than I am.